Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Governor plans to boost economy with eco-friendly jobs

By Harry Esteve
The Oregonian

For an article that appears to be a straight news story from the title, Esteve actually throws in a pretty catchy lead relating Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski's new plan for Oregon's economy to a scene in Dustin Hoffman's famous film The Graduate.

It really catches your attention as does the rest of the article. Esteve does an excellent job giving the details of Kulongoski's plan while also presenting the other side of the story i.e. the Republicans. Esteve also gives enough background to issues so someone like me, who is sadly pretty ignorant of Oregon politics, can understand what he is also talking about. I also detected a slight left bias in Esteve's reporting, which could be another reason why I particularly enjoyed it.

The article ends on an upbeat note with a quote from the Governor about how wonderful Oregon is. It sums up everything pretty nicely: Governor loves his state and wants to save the forest and so on and so forth

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