Thursday, July 10, 2008

Donors Asked To Give for Two

By Matthew Mosk
The Washington Post

The first round of election madness is finally over, and the question is now who is going to pay for it all?

This article is pretty much straight news story style. Mosk's lead is straightforward stating that maybe, just maybe, Obama's fundraising might be lagging behind what it once was.

Obama and former Clinton supporters are now asking for two donations: one for Obama's campaign and one to cover the costs left behind by Clinton.

Mosk interviews the usuals: members of Obama's campaign and former member's of Clinton's campaign of all different levels and places to get the facts. The tone for Mr. Obama's fundraising seems to be pretty upbeat, the big Clinton donators are going to give to Obama; they're still going to support the democratic party.

Mosk finishes with a quote from MediaTech Capital partner and Obama fundraiser, Lindsay Gardner giving her opinion that the friction between the two canidate's big donators is minimal.

So there we go: crisis mostly averted.

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