Sunday, July 20, 2008

'100 months to save the planet'


Just what I need. Another environmentalist group telling me this planet is doomed.

"According to the Green New Deal Group , humanity has only 100 months to prevent dangerous global warming."-- this is not only another scary fact, it is also the lead to this very newsy story. This group claims that we need to invest a lot of money into renewable energy and "green jobs." The group is named after Roosevelt's "New Deal" from the U.S. depression in the 1930s.

The writer (who is unnamed) does not directly interview anyone (this article is a bit of a stub), but instead just goes into the group's history briefly, their goals and some famous members.

It ends where it started with a not-so-uplifting statement from the group saying in 100 months the Earth will hit a "runaway" climate temperature that will be "unacceptably high."

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