Monday, July 14, 2008

An American Pastime: Smoking Pot

By Sarah H. Lynch

Ok, I really couldn't help myself with this one. It was the title that caught my eye. It turns out this article is on an ongoing survey published in PLoS magazine, a journal of the Public Library of Science, done by the World Trade Organization that found that Americans like smoking the reefer. The sugvey found that way more Americans than any other country admitted to using marijuana and cocaine at some point in their lives.

Lynch leads off her article by commenting on the irony of the Netherlands having leinant drug laws, yet much less reported marijuna use. She then weaves into talking about the survey. This would be the nutgraph, I suppose.

Lynch goes over the main details of the survey pulling out the highlight that we all really want to hear (like Americans also tend to try drugs at an earlier age too), and she also goes over the limitations of the survey, like how it only asks if someone has tried a drug and so the findings really can't be implenented into the U.S's drug policy as it doesn't exactly paint the most accurate picture of drug use and abuse in the U.S. today.

She ends her article by just summing up some main points and giving more information on when more information will be reversed. In typical inverted pyramid style, Lynch put all those little important details that aren't quite as interesting at the bottom.

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