Friday, July 18, 2008

Fashion Police: Flint Cracks Down on Sagging

By Jessica Bennett and Mary Chapman

Oh those kids. It looks like new Flint, Mich. police chief David Dicks is cracking down on fashion. He has told his force to arrest any guy who sagged his pants to much for "immoral self expression."

Bennett and Chapman open up their article with a antecedote of Jayson Miguel noting how he is at risk for arrest while minding his own business just because he is sagging his pants.

They interview Miguel as well as several other Flint residents who have differing views on the new code. They also interview the president of the local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union who strongly opposes Dicks new measure. They fail to actually interview Dicks himself and gather his opinion and quotes via "a local paper."

They also go into a history on sagging and how it became a fashion trend as well as how it relates to Flint, one of the poorest towns in the U.S.

Bennett and Chapman end where they started with a quote from Miguel again who notes "It's just a style, man."

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