Monday, June 30, 2008

Trials Dorm Life Nostalgic, Economical, Fun

By Andrea Damewood
The Register Guard

This article is about the different kinds of people who are living in the UO dorms during the Olympic Trials. 
Damewood's lead is about an older man who is living in the dorms for his first time 14 years after graduation, and while it did grab my attention it also seems cliche. I think part of the reason it grabbed my attention was because of how cliche it was.
Damewood's articles is overall very lighthearted and does not have that straight, hard news feel to it all. She interviews a range of people from college freshman who just moved out of their dorm right into the dorms at the UO to older couples who express nostalgia for dorm life. Everyone she interviews seems to be enjoying their experience in the dorms, and even though the article is lighthearted, she fails to bring up any problems or find anyone who was not having an absolutely delightful experience in the dorms.